Discover, Analyze, Interpret, Communicate
Western Civilization II
Vietnam Anti-War Protest
COURSE INTRODUCTION Week 1 Assignments and Progress Report Cover Sheet Topic 1.1. Personal Course Objectives Topic 1.2. History as an Academic Discipline Topic 1.3. The Historian's Toolbox - for 600 x 800 resolution Topic 1.3. The Historian's Toolbox - for higher resolutions Topic 1.4. Why Study History? Week 1 Discussion
THE EARLY MODERN ERA The Scientific Revolution Week 2 Assignments and Progress Report Cover Sheet The Transition from Medieval to Modern Topic 2.1. The Scientific Revolution «PPT Pres on the Scientific Revolution Topic 2.2. Philosophy in the Wake of Science « PPT Pres on Phil in the Wake of Science Topic 2.3. Hobbs v. Locke Week 2 Discussion
Early Modern Political Developments Week 3 Assignments and Progress Report Cover Sheet Topic 3.1. Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism Topic 3.2. Louis XIV and the Age of Absolutism «PPT Pres on A Day in the Life of the Sun King Topic 3.3. The English Revolution Week 3 Discussion
The Early Modern Economic Revolution Week 4 Assignments and Progress Report Cover Sheet Topic 4.1. The Modern World System «PPT Pres on Wallerstein's Early Modern World System Topic 4.2. The Age of Expansion Topic 4.3. What Historians Say About Christopher Columbus Week 4 Discussion
The Early Modern Intellectual Revolution Topic 5.1. The Enlightenment «PPT Pres on Enlightenment Topic 5.2. Modern Political Theory Topic 5.3. In Pursuit of Happiness Essay/Presentation 1 Due The Early Modern Political Revolution Topic 6.1. The French Revolution «PPT Pres on Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Topic 6.2. The Age of Napoleon Topic 6.3. The French Revolution v. the American Revolution A. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (1815-1919) Industrial Revolution Topic 7.1. The Industrial Revolution «PPT: Industrial Revolution Topic 7.2. Industrial Society and the Modern Family «PPT: Industrial Society In Defense of Industrialization Topic 8.1. Nineteenth Century Liberalism Topic 8.2. Social Darwinism Topic 8.3. The Evolution of Liberalism Discussion: Responses to Industrialization Topic 9.1. Utopian Socialism Topic 9.2. Marxism Topic 9.3. Nationalism and Imperialism Essay/Presentation 2 Due
The Nazi Holocaust Topic 13.2b. The Holocaust «Nazi Holocaust (PowerPoint version) «Nazi Holocaust (PDF version) Topic 13.3b. Primary Sources: Hitler's Globe Topic 14.3. Hitler's Willing Executioners World War II and Its Aftermath Topic 14.1. World War II Topic 14.2. The Cold War «The Cold War (PowerPoint version) «The Cold War (PDF version) The Information Age Topic 15.1. Soviet Disintegration «The Collapse of Communism (PowerPoint version) «The Collapse of Communism (PDF version) Topic 15.2. The War on Terrorism
Web Activity 3: The War on Terrorism